Over the past 69 years, the Radiobioassay & Radiochemical Measurements (RRMC) has been an informal open forum where professionals can discuss works-in-progress and common problems encountered during the development of state-of-the-art methods and procedures for detecting, measuring, and analyzing radioactive materials found in a large variety of environmental and biological media. The unique objective of the Conference is to provide a test crucible for pre-publication ideas, assumptions and approaches where the participants engage in intense straight-forward interactions to share new discoveries, challenge axioms, gain insights, share experiences, learn of the latest developments, seek solutions to technical problems and barriers, debate rational, resolve technical issues, develop solutions and consensus, examine the impact of new policies and regulations, and establish valuable technical contacts. The fundamental benefits for the participants are new ideas and approaches that can be taken back and directly applied in their laboratory or office to improve their capabilities. The Conference fosters technical excellence and acts as a platform for the development of common but essential technical philosophies and practices that are used by government, academic, and regulatory radioassay laboratories, both nationally and internationally.
The compilation of abstracts distributed electronically to each registered attendee represents materials submitted by the authors and will not be peer-reviewed or edited. Inclusion in the Conference presentation schedule does not preclude publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The conveners adopted the policy to accepting either regular or extended abstracts to offer authors the opportunity to submit research material that was either complete or still in progress. This policy best achieved the original objectives of the RRMC that establishes an opportunity for attendees to discuss new findings and resolve problems of mutual interest related to the radioanalytical analysis of bioassay and environmental samples. Abstracts for both technical presentations (oral and poster) and workshops are welcomed in the following and related topics:
Measurement Techniques
Sample Pre-treatment and Dissolution Methods
Radionuclide Chemistry
Radioanalytical Methods
Low-level and Non-nuclear Techniques (Mass Spec, KPA, Calorimetry, Optical...)
Rapid Analytical Methods in Response to Radiological Emergencies
Instrumentation, Software, and Automation Tools
Techniques in alpha spectrometry, liquid scintillation counting, and gamma spectrometry
Analytes/ Applications
Naturally Occurring Radionuclides (NORM) in Terrestrial and Marine Environments
Radon and Epidemiological Studies
Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Nuclear Power
Nuclear Waste Characterization/D&D/Restoration/Management
Radionuclide Speciation
Environmental - Studies/Monitoring/Characterization/Remediation/Restoration
Radioisotopes in Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Forensics
Regulations, Standards, and Compliance Issues
In-vivo/In-vitro Radiobioassay, Dosimetry, and Radiation Protection
Risk Assessment and Management
Environmental and Biokinetic Model Validation
Applications and Research Needs
Quality /Consequence Management
Reference Materials and Certified Reference Materials
Calibration standards and solutions
Traceability to NMI’s
Isotope Availability
Metrology Applications
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Method Validation and Verification
Intercomparisons/ Proficiency Testing
Performance Evaluation
Traceability Evaluation
Radiological Incidents/Emergency Preparedness Exercise
Computational Methods/Statistical Tools/Uncertainty Evaluation
Radiation Safety
Professional or Career Development Activities or Guidance
Other Topics Relevant to Radiobioassay and Radiochemical Measurements
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